Westfield Public Schools Recognized for Arts Advocacy

The Westfield Public School District’s Visual and Performing Arts Department is a recipient of the 2025 Music for All Advocacy in Action Awards, which highlight educators and programs that have created an exceptional event or idea in their field and community.

In the entry submitted by VPA Supervisor Shawna Longo, the district was recognized in the non-fund-raising community involvement category for “Arts in our Schools Month.”

“Our combined Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM) and Youth Art Month (YAM) celebrations were a resounding success, showcasing the incredible talent of Westfield’s young artists and musicians and underscoring the vital role of arts education in our schools,” says Longo. “Through these efforts, we aimed not only to highlight student talent but also to amplify the benefits of a comprehensive arts education at the local, state, and national levels. Additionally, we sought to deepen community engagement, foster school spirit, promote key events, celebrate student achievements, and strengthen community support.”

Music for All is a non-profit, Indianapolis-based advocate for music and arts education.

“Music programs are an integral part of their school and local communities. Visibility and engagement within a community are mutually beneficial, developing and strengthening critical relationships while showcasing student achievement,” the organization writes in its recognition of the Westfield program.

“Community involvement leads to an increased understanding of the benefits of music education and encourages support for continued growth and excellence.”

The Advocacy in Action awards are presented each year in seven categories: Community Involvement, Decision-Maker Engagement, Elementary Excellence, Innovative Fundraising, Marketing and Promotion, Parent/Booster Support, and Student Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention.

The recipients will be featured on Music for All’s Advocacy in Action Archive, where their ideas will be available for music educators across the country to learn from and emulate.

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