Meet local mom Carly Berger Nguyen, a life and mindset coach for moms and content writer for the blog Little Voice Big Matter

name Carly Berger Nguyen

Family (names/ages) Khoa (husband), Kien (son age 13), Caden (son age 9)

Company Little Voice Big Matter

Job Title Life & Mindset Coach for Moms

Contact Info;;

How long have you lived here and what brought you to town?

We moved to Cranford in August 2017 after living in NYC for 17 years. I grew up in Edison, NJ and once we had our 2nd son in 2015, I knew we needed more space, a yard, and a great school district for our growing boys, so we decided we’d move to the suburbs of NJ, close to where I had spent my childhood. One of my closest childhood friends was living in Cranford at the time and suggested we look here. We looked in both Westfield and Cranford, but ultimately fell in love with the small-town feel that Cranford offered.

What are your favorite family activities?

We are a soccer family – all 3 boys play (including my husband), and when they’re not playing soccer, they like to watch games so we often go to Red Bulls games as a family activity. We also enjoy going on hikes, family bike rides, and traveling throughout the year.

What’s your favorite restaurant and/or place to shop?

I don’t know if I have a favorite restaurant, but if I had to choose, Vine & Oak in Cranford is our go-to nice dinner date spot. We also really like Addams Tavern & Akai Lounge in Westfield.

What was the best advice on motherhood that you ever received? 

That I shouldn’t feel guilty when I take time for myself and prioritize my own needs as a mom because this allows me to show up as the best version of me, able to take the best care of my family.


Tell us about your job or passion. 

I’m a life and mindset coach for moms! In a nutshell, I help my clients find balance in motherhood so they can live with more joy, connection, and fulfillment every day.

I do that through my 1:1 coaching programs that focus on mindset tools, healthy routines, and time management strategies that work for busy moms. My mission is to help other moms go from overwhelmed to thriving by teaching them how to create time and space for themselves in their motherhood journey.

I’m also the sole content creator and writer of the blog,, where I share practical advice, heartfelt insights, and actionable resources to inspire and support women in motherhood, relationships, wellness, and life.


What inspired you to follow this career?

I was inspired to follow this career through my own journey with personal growth and finding my way as a mom.

I guess you could say that for the greater part of my adult life, I really struggled with feeling happy and fulfilled. My life looked great from the outside, but I always had the sense that something was missing…

I distinctly remember feeling this great sense of relief when I decided to become a mom for the first time because I thought that motherhood was going to fill that void…and for a while it did.

I loved being a mom (still do!) and caring for my baby as a new mom filled me up so completely that I thought I’d never need anything more. Honestly, in the beginning, there really wasn’t time for anything more, and I let myself get lost in motherhood…

Until one day, I realized that being “mama” had become my whole identity and that no longer felt like enough. Plus as my kids got older and their needs were no longer all-consuming, I found myself right back at the same place I was before becoming a mom struggling with a lack of purpose and fulfillment and looking to outside sources for my happiness, instead of looking within.

It wasn’t until 2020 when we were in lockdown during the pandemic, that I was finally able to tune out the outside noise and turn inward, really for the first time.

I started to realize that my personal fulfillment and happiness was an inside job and it started with my mindset, which I could take control of. So that’s what I did.

I became obsessed with books and podcasts on cultivating a positive mindset and personal growth, learning all I could about it. And I used what I was learning to “find” myself in motherhood and to eventually start feeling a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in my life.

In the last few years, I’ve experienced a huge transformation in terms of my mindset, my happiness, and my overall sense of self and fulfillment. Through this journey, I realized that if I could find more purpose, joy, and fulfillment as a mom, then other women could too and I could help them!

And that led me to starting the Little Voice Big Matter blog in 2021 and becoming a life & mindset coach for moms!


Anything we missed?

The signature coaching program that I offer is called Beyond Balance. It includes 10 private 1:1 online coaching sessions where I take each client through my 6-step coaching framework to help them reclaim their time and energy, so they can not only tackle their to-do lists with ease, but also find guilt-free time for themselves and understand how to use it in a way that’s going to fill them up.

The program is a journey toward greater balance, joy, connection, and fulfillment and I think what sets it apart from other coaching services out there is that it’s my own proprietary coaching program. I developed it based on best coaching practices and tools, but also largely on what has been proven to work for me in my own life as it relates to navigating these same struggles my clients are going through.

Also, the program is structured in such a way to ensure that each step of the process has clear goals, outcomes, and action steps, however the coaching sessions are still personalized, collaborative, and tailored to each client’s individual needs.

Outside of this 10-session program, I also offer 60-minute 1:1 coaching calls that can be booked individually.

If interested in learning more about my coaching services, visit and/or connect with me on IG @littlevoicebigmatter. I’m also happy to offer a free 30-minute consultation to discuss which approach is right for you and how I can best support you.

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