The Journey of Teddy the Cat

Family member names Maria DeSantis – Caretaker

Type of Breed Ginger Tabby Cat



PET’s AGE We Don’t know


Where/why did you get your pet?

My neighbor, Hannah Caicedo and I spotted Teddy behind our building in Westfield last August.

We would see him everyday roaming around with an injured leg/ foot. We would see him dragging his foot for months. He wouldn’t come close enough for us to help him.

After reading a FB Westfield group post this January about this kitty sleeping outside and injured Hannah and I decided to make a real effort to trap him. And we did. That same day! He was ready for help.

Anything special or unusual about them?

Surgery was needed on his leg and foot to clear out all infections from puncture wounds.

We are pleased that no amputation was needed.

Teddy also has FIV – Feline Aides and FIP – a serious disease Feline Corona Virus which have compromised a quicker recovery.

This sweet orange baby has had a rough few months medically but quickly on the mend.

Many thanks to Hannah Caicedo for opening her home to house him. Leah, her sweet 12 year old daughter stepped up. She took the night shift with his Round the clock medical care.

Teddy’s doctor is Dr Isabel Perez at Plainfield Hospital.

With her kind heart she really paid special attention to Teddy’s surgery and recovery treatments that need to continue for several more months. And finally Betty B and Barbara Durant from Summit Animal Rescue were a huge help with some of the medical bills.

What do you like best about your pet?

The love that pours out of this kitty is so spiritually captivating. You can feel how grateful he is for being rescued. Teddy is so cooperative when giving him meds and changing his wound dressing twice a day.

He is a talker. Walks around the house talking to my other cats.

All my cats surprising got along with Teddy in such short notice for them to adapt with a stranger. Teddy would approach them and just lay down right in front of them showing them there is no threat.

What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/Family?

Teddy came just at the right time for my neighbors and me. Not only did he bring enjoyment to all of us but he also made our neighbors create a friendships we will never forget.

The story link:

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