New Collection Bin for Reusable Bags at Summit Transfer Station
As part of Union County’s expanded reusable bag recycling program, the City of Summit Division of Public Works is announcing a new collection bin for reusable bags has been placed at the Municipal Transfer Station at 40 New Providence Avenue. GOATote, Inc. will pick up the bags from the collection bin, clean and sanitize them, and deliver them to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey in Hillside. From there, the bags will be distributed to local food pantries in need.
Summit residents with a Transfer Station permit can drop off gently-used reusable bags in the bin, located on the lower level next to the Book Barn, during regular business hours: Tuesday — Friday 7:30 a.m. — 3:45 p.m., Saturday 7:30 a.m. — 4:45 p.m.