Summit Board of Education Reorganizes, Welcomes New Board Member
The Summit Board of Education welcomed Mr. J. Carlos Mahecha as the newest member of the Board during the Reorganization meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024. Mr. Mahecha will serve on the Policy and Communications Committees.
In addition to welcoming a new member, Ms. Walidah Justice was appointed as President of the Board of Education, and Ms. Melanie Cohn was appointed as Vice President. The Board of Education thanked Mr. Michael Colón for his six years of service on the Board, as his two three-year terms concluded.
“Guided by our shared mission, I am humbled to step into this role as President of the School Board,” said Walidah Justice, President of the Summit Board of Education. “I pledge to foster collaboration among my fellow Board members, Superintendent Hough, and the Cabinet, while honoring the esteemed legacy of those who came before me. Together, we will uphold the Summit community’s expectation of excellence, ensuring every student has the opportunity to thrive.”
Mr. Mahecha has lived in Summit for 24 years with his wife Laura and three children, including two graduates of Summit Public Schools and one currently at Summit High School. Mr. Mahecha has served as a volunteer and youth coach for the Summit YMCA, Summit Girls and Boys Recreational Basketball, Summit Junior Baseball, and Summit Recreational Girl’s Soccer programs. He is also an adjunct professor at Union College of Union County and has taught Federal Taxation and Accounting courses. Professionally, Mr. Mahecha is a Senior Finance Manager at Johnson & Johnson Corporate leading global financial systems implementation initiatives. Mr. Mahecha holds an AAS from Union College of Union County, a BS in Accounting from Rutgers University, and an MBA from Saint Peter’s University. Mr. Mahecha is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Management Accountants.
To view more information on the Summit Board of Education, please visit the District website.