Tooth Talk by Dr. Ken Periodontal Disease
Dentistry by Dr. Arida
131 S. Euclid Ave, Westfield NJ
Phone: 908-654-6262
Hello Doctor! What’s on your radar this month?
This month’s column is about Periodontal (Gum) Disease.
What is it and how is it caused?
The Periodontium is the soft and hard tissue foundation of your teeth. It is comprised of your gums (gingiva) and the bone in your upper and lower jaw that holds your teeth in your jaw. Periodontitis is a destructive disease that causes swelling and bleeding of the gums along with destruction of the supporting bone around your teeth. It is caused by bacteria that are contained in plaque that is left around your teeth. The bacteria generate toxins that cause the swelling and bone loss.
Who most commonly suffers from this disease?
Most patients who suffer from periodontal disease have a genetic susceptibility to the bacteria and the toxins. However if you do not do an effective job in cleaning your teeth and removing the plaque that has the bacteria you can develop periodontitis regardless of your genetic makeup. There are other medical reasons for increased susceptibility to Periodontitis like Diabetes, Autoimmune Diseases and some medications.
What are the signs of the disease?
The progression of periodontal disease is most often quite painless and many people who are suffering from it may not be aware that they have it except for possibly some bleeding when they brush their teeth. If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth you MUST see a dentist for a proper dental cleaning and evaluation for periodontal disease. If periodontitis progresses the bone around your teeth will continue to be lost and the support for your teeth will decrease causing them to eventually become loose and possibly be lost.
How can we avoid it?
It is very important to brush and floss your teeth at least two times a day to remove food debris and plaque from around your teeth to prevent periodontitis. Plaque most often sits around the necks of your teeth where the teeth meet the gums so when you brush your teeth be sure to feel the brush rub over your gums so you are cleaning the area where the plaque accumulates.
The most important concept to understand with periodontitis is PREVENTION! It is very hard or impossible to undo the damage from periodontitis once the damage is done. In most cases the best you can hope for is to stop the progress by improving your home care and seeking care from your dentist. Periodontitis is the most common reason for the loss of teeth. Regular dental exams and cleanings are very important for your periodontal health, especially if you are prone to periodontal problems. It is recommended to have professional teeth cleanings at least 2-4 times per year. If you have any questions about this topic or any other feel free to contact my office or stop by for a conversation.
Dentistry by Dr. Arida is widely considered to be one the best dentists in the local area and we are lucky to have his columns to learn more about dental health. For more information, please visit www.drarida.com
or call 908-654-6262. The practice is located conveniently at 131 S. Euclid Ave, Westfield NJ. Check him out on social media: www.facebook. com/kennethwaridadds;
@dr_arida on Instagram
The intent of this article is for general information and should not be taken as direct advice related anyone’s particular dental health. Individuals are responsible for their own dental health by seeking timely care from a licensed Dentist.