Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food

Your name: Danielle Levitt

CSA name: Westfield Area CSA



What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  It’s a model of cooperation between a local farmer and a community that supports him in exchange for a share of the farmer’s harvest.  Members buy a share in the farmer’s harvest, giving the farmer peace of mind with a guaranteed income while members receive a weekly delivery of freshly picked produce directly from the farmer. We like to say, “Know your farmer, know your food.”

What inspired you to start a CSA in Westfield?

In the early 2000s, I joined a CSA on a whim.  I wasn’t a big vegetable eater.  That CSA opened my eyes to the wide variety of vegetables that exist, as well as their quality when grown locally and delivered right after harvesting.  When I moved to Westfield, I missed the vegetables I had become used to eating.  I searched for a farmer with organic growing practices who would be willing to deliver to Westfield, and I found a group of people willing to try the CSA model. We’ve just grown and developed from there.

How has it grown through the years? Tell us more.

The Westfield Area CSA started in 2007 with just 40 families and at its peak was over 150 families.  While we are smaller in size than at our peak, we have a devoted and steady following and love to see new members join!  There are options for both full and half memberships, basic and premium shares, so any size family can find the right fit for them. We also offer options to add fruit, egg, mushroom, and flower shares to your veggies, so it truly is one-stop shopping.

Maintaining a healthy diet is always difficult for families on the go! This service is so convenient and brings truly organic food to our tables. What is the feedback from your members?

Our CSA is one of the few that are 100% organic AND local.  It allows a farmer to keep his land organic, employ workers conscientiously, and bring us a variety of produce that you can’t always find at the grocery store, including heirloom and unique varieties of many vegetables. Besides the fresh, quality veggies, members love meeting and making friends during pick-up, opportunities to visit the farm, and avoiding trips to the grocery store.

Is it expensive?

Actually, it is very affordable compared to grocery store or farmer’s market prices and other produce box offerings for organic vegetables.

What can the members expect on pick-up days?

Our season runs June-November with pick-up on Thursdays from 3 pm-7 pm.  Each week, our farmer sends the veggies in bins along with a list of that week’s share.  Members come during pick-up and pick their own share based on the list provided. Members help run the CSA by working a few hours each season to monitor the site, weigh produce, and help everything flow smoothly on pick-up days.  Our farmer also offers “farm work days,” which are great fun for families if you want to visit the farm and help pick beans or garlic, etc.

How can someone get involved with this CSA?

Please visit our website,, for more information about our CSA, our farmer, how to join, recipes, storage tips, and more! You can also email us at with any questions.

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