Meet local pet Brooklyn Heights, a rescue pup adopted from Big Dog Rescue Project who loves hard-boiled eggs and couch cuddling

Family member names Stephanie, Craig, Andrew, Joshua

Type of Breed Dog

PET’S NAME Brooklyn Heights Ashinoff



Where/why did you get your pet?

We adopted our dog from Big Dog Rescue Project, a group dedicated to the protection and adoption of all types of dogs, not just large breeds. We rescued Brooklyn to do our part as animal lovers in protecting those in need. After our first dog had passed, it was important to our family to fill the dog-sized hole in our hearts and our couches. It meant the world to be able to give Brooklyn a home, and cannot thank her enough for the years of happiness and affection she has brought us in return.

Anything special or unusual about your pet?

Brooklyn is a lanky dog with long and slender legs. While she has a predominantly black and brown coloration, all four of her paws are completely white. Many people have noticed it looks like she is wearing a pair of socks when she’s out walking on the street. Brooklyn is super smart and learns commands quickly. She mastered sit, stay, down, paw, wait, “ok”, upstairs, and inside.

Any funny stories?

Brooklyn is a super playful dog who is constantly trying to engage in some game or another. Recently, we found that by poking Brooklyn from under a blanket, she becomes obsessed with trying to play-bite at your limbs through the covers. She could spend half an hour trying to get at our ankles and hands while they’re protected by a comforter, and as soon as they are revealed, she completely loses interest. Her favorite food is a hard-boiled egg every morning. When she gets back from her walk, she darts back to her food bowl to find it waiting for her.

What do you like best about your pet?

Brooklyn is among the most loving and caring creatures we have ever met. She greets us every day with her tail wagging and will plop down with any of us on the couch for a cuddle session. She is active, she is amazing with other dogs, and she is (mostly) well-behaved.

How has your pet enriched your life?

Brooklyn is a member of the family. She keeps us active and has provided us with a bond like no other. She is such a good girl, and we are so happy to have her in our home.

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