Meet local kid, Millie Reilly,
an aspiring veterinarian and ethologist who loves rainbow socks and reading
Name: Millie Reilly
Age: 9
Grade/School: Rising 4th grader
Family Member Names: Mary (mom), Brian (dad), Sammy (sister)
Pet’s Name/type: Toby (6) and Teddy (8 months) both cockapoos
Something unique about me: I wear long rainbow socks
When I grow up, I want to be: An Ethologist like Jane Goodall and a Vet
Activities/Hobbies: Reading, playing soccer, and being with my friends
Animal: Tiger
Color: Yellow
Food: Spaghetti and Sausage dish my mom makes
Movies: Night at The Museum
Music: Taylor Swift
Place to play: The Woods
Sports teams: Rangers
School subject: Reading
Vacation: Costa Rica,
The Osa Peninsula
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