Cannoli, A Total Lover

Family member names Hue and Matthew

Type of Breed Puppy, Havanese

PET’S NAME Cannoli


PET’s AGE 8 months

Where/why did you get your pet?

We got Cannoli after a month of moving into our new home in Cranford as a Christmas gift to each other. The funny thing is our families were making bets on how long we can last without a pet. We definitely lost because we promised ourselves not to get a pet too soon and now, here we are!

Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)?

There are so many things she does that we are luckily able to capture and post on her Instagram (@lilcannolioli), and the internet finds it hilarious! Cannoli loves standing on her back legs for long periods of time without falling down. She’s also a total escape artist – from sneaking through fences and gates, to stealing socks.

What do you like best about your pet?

We absolutely adore her name. We actually came up with it before we even met her. Both our friends and family love cannoli and we’ve been learning how to make them at home on date nights. It also works out perfectly because her fur colors are brown (on her back) like a cannoli shell and white (on her stomach and legs) like the creamy filling!

How spoiled is your pet?

Like we always like to say, “Our dog isn’t spoiled, she just has us well trained.” She loves all the attention and the amounts of treats and toys she gets daily! Every time we’re in downtown, she gets endless pets and treats from store staffs and families on the streets. It’s also tradition now that every Starbucks or Dunkin’ trip ends with a pup cup.

What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/family?

Cannoli is a total lover girl and does so by expressing it with snuggles and kisses! She is so gentle with kids, adults, and other dogs. Because we’re just as new to the area as she is, we’re attending more downtown events and hope to meet other dog families where we can set doggie play dates up with.

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