Meet Mulligan, a professional snuggler with a spinning side hustle for treats

Family member names Collin, Christine, Hayden, Cameron, Logan

Type of Breed Morkiepoo

PET’S NAME Mulligan



Where/why did you get your pet? 

After a couple of years of living without our previous dog, our family felt it was time to raise a new puppy with the highest hopes he or she would love living in Cranford.  We ended up driving to Pennsylvania to check him out.  Within five minutes of playing with him, he kissed every member of the family and showed off his personality.

Anything special or unusual about your pet?

Mulligan loves stealing socks around the house.  He does it simply for the chase.  He can also stand up on his two legs for a while and spin around.  It’s kind of something he taught himself to do for treats.

Any funny stories? 

Mulligan is so fortunate to have our neighbor’s dog Camo as a best friend.  They played a lot together as puppies in each other’s yards.   Mulligan has escaped our yard several times when the gate was left open.  All three times we found him sitting in front of our neighbor’s backyard gate. Mulligan also loves to play football with the kids, as he often recovers the dropped passes.

What do you like best about your pet?

Although Mulligan has periods of barking when he wants attention, he is a professional snuggler.  He’ll lay on your lap watching a movie and sleep in with the family on the weekends.  He’s extremely friendly and loves meeting other dogs and people while walking through Cranford.

How has the pet enriched your life? 

Mulligan is a joy to have.  He’s extremely low maintenance and has a great personality.  The whole family talks to him as if he’s another person.  It’s hard to feel sad when he’s around.

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