Summit Public Schools Holds Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for SEF Innovation Labs

Pictured from left to right:
Kneeling – Esther Loor (Principal of Franklin Elementary School),
Dr. Lauren Banker (Principal of Washington Elementary School), Nataly Farias (Principal of Jefferson Elementary School), Chelle Donnelly (Assistant Grants Chair, SEF), Dawn Rempell (Grants Chair, SEF)
Standing – Melissa Madden (Co-Vice-President, SEF) Heather Thomas, (Co-Vice President, SEF), Michael Colón (President, Summit Board of Education), Meredith Warmington (STEAM teacher, Washington), Jacqueline DellaPietro (STEAM teacher, Franklin), Kristen Shuman (STEAM teacher, Jefferson), Cheryl Brennan (STEAM teacher, Lincoln-Hubbard), Scott Hough (Superintendent of Summit Public Schools, Aaron Gilbert (STEAM teacher, Brayton), Matt Carlin (Principal of Lincoln-Hubbard Elementary School)
Holding Scissors – Amy Burke (President, SEF)

Summit administrators and staff members recently gathered at Jefferson Elementary School with members of the Summit Educational Foundation (SEF) to commemorate the SEF Innovation Labs at Summit elementary schools.

“Our forward-thinking vision of providing our students with a meaningful K-12 STEAM experience is ahead of schedule thanks to the partnership and generosity of the Summit Educational Foundation,” said Superintendent Scott Hough. “Our students truly benefit from the hard work and dedication of all of the members of the SEF.”

Established in September 2022, the SEF Innovation Labs provide learning spaces for students to explore the areas of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics). More than $876,000 was donated by the SEF to Summit Public Schools in the Spring 2022 grants cycle to support STEAM labs at each elementary school, along with STEAM teachers in each lab.

“SEF is excited to partner with the district to provide the funding for the creation of the SEF Innovation Labs at all five elementary schools,” said Amy Burke, President of the SEF. “STEAM learning through these spaces will prepare our students for the technological advances of the future. Thank you to all of our donors who helped make this significant investment in our district possible.”

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