MultiCultural Club Founded by Max VonDousa and Akash Gandhi

We started the Chatham High School Multicultural Club this year to give our peers both educational and experiential opportunities to learn about other cultures. With our skilled team of officers and eager-to-learn members, we have been able to hold two large meetings so far to explore both Latin American and Japanese Culture. We like to keep our educational components informative, but our experiential learning is fun and creative. For our hands-on activities, we try to replicate authentic foods and games to engage students and submerge them in the culture. For the Japanese culture meeting, we made rice balls and brought Japanese snacks. For the Latin American meeting, we made tacos and watched Mexico in the World Cup. We wanted to create a club that provides an opportunity to learn about different cultures while also being enjoyable. For more of our informative learning, we create slideshows that teach students aspects of a culture that they might’ve not known. Furthermore, our Vice Presidents, Sarah Sabin and Kayla Grom are in charge of a section of the club which works with the company ENGin which pairs students in Ukraine with American volunteers to help them improve their English. Our club has supported their cause by helping a small group of club members become tutors as well as performing other volunteer efforts such as research and fundraising. Akash and I only started the club this school year, but we look forward to passing it down to future advisors. If you are interested in joining our club, please contact us through my email to take part in this volunteer opportunity, as it makes a significant impact on integrating our community as well as educating others in an entertaining way!



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