
Name: Claire

Age: 10

Grade: 4

School: Franklin elementary school

Brothers or Sisters:
3 brothers & 2 sisters

Sports I play: Soccer & basketball

Musical instrument I play: Saxophone & guitar

When I grow up I’m going to be: An engineer that plays soccer


Activities/Hobbies: I have been playing soccer since kindergarten and currently play for the Summit Soccer Club 2012 A team.  I love Robot Revolution and with my partner,  scored high enough to qualify for the state level of competition in December. She also enjoys basketball, skateboarding, robotics, playing video games with friends, cooking, making sugar flowers and origami.

Animal: My pet fish, Jack

Color: Blue

Food: Sushi

Movie: Spiderman No Way Home

Music: Popular songs

Place to play: Franklin school with my friends

Sports teams: Green Bay Packers

Subject in school: Math

TV show: Naruto

Vacation: Skiing in Colorado

One child will be highlighted in your community newsletter each month. In order to have your child highlighted in the next available monthly magazine, please provide the following information. Please send back the answers and a couple high resolution photos of your child to me!

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