After another successful school year with reaccreditation for Middle States, academic honors, sports awards, and a graduating class earning $700,000 in academic scholarships, Holy Trinity School is ready for the 2023-2024 School Year with more tools to continue student achievement. Outgoing Principal, Dr. Adele Ellis, continued to enhance the rigorous curriculum with additional hardware and software for the classrooms. “We will have new Samsung Smartboards that are touch screen and wireless in every classroom as well as our resource rooms,” stated Ellis. “Teachers will also have document cameras...

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Meet Local Mom Nicole Griffin, a lifelong Cranford resident and the founder and owner of the online gifting site, Sila Boutique

Name  Nicole Griffin Company name Sila Boutique Family (names/ages) James (Husband), Sienna (15), Lila (13) Job Title Founder & Owner Pets Bailey a 7 year old Labradoodle & Kevin a 10ish year old Russian tortoise Contact info 908-451-4860 or nicole@shopsilaboutique.com www.shopsilaboutique.com   How long have you lived here and what brought you to town? I am a lifelong Cranford Resident, after graduating from the University of Delaware in 1999, I lived in New York and London before returning to Cranford in 2007 with my husband, James, to raise our family. My best friends still live...

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Reading Over the Summer is Critical to Aca-demic Success

Register for the Library’s Summer Reading Program to Prepare for the Fall Registration for the Westfield Memorial Library Summer Reading Program for kids ages 0 through 17 begins June 17. Westfield library cardholders can register at http://wmlnj.readsquared.com or through the READsquared app. The library is located at 550 East Broad Street. “Summer reading is critical to help students avoid the summer slide, which is the tendency of students to lose some of the achievement gains they made during the previous school year,” said director Allen McGinley. “Reading throughout the summer also fosters...

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Students Perform at Carnegie Hall

Members of the Franklin Elementary School chorus performed at Carnegie Hall with the New England Symphonic Ensemble and several other choirs from the tri-state area on May 26.  During the week prior to the performance, Parisian conductor and choirmaster Francis Bardot worked with the children in New York City and conducted them during the concert. After receiving the invitation last October, Franklin students auditioned and 23 were selected for the special performance at Carnegie Hall.  Franklin vocal music director R. Brent Geyer held after school rehearsals over the past several months, leading...

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Meet Local Pet Dakota

a Covid pup who has brought enthusiasm and adventure to our everyday routine Family member names Donna, Karen Type of Breed Short-Haired Border Collie PET’S NAME Dakota MALE OR FEMALE Female PET’s AGE 2 Where/why did you get your pet? Totally a Covid puppy! We acquired her from a farm in Pennsylvania in December 2020. We lost Rascal, our Border Collie/Collie mix in 2017 and knew we wanted another Border Collie. Anything special or unusual about your pet? Dakota is a true Border Collie in every sense of the breed. She is full of energy and as long as you have a ball or frisbee, she is your...

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Summit Street Sounds Runs through this Month

Summit Downtown, Inc. (SDI) is excited to be hosting Summit Street Sounds for 2023 with a great line-up of new and past favorites! Downtown Summit will be alive with music from 5-8pm every Thursday and Friday night in June & July. We are proud to announce that over 45 musicians will be playing on the streets. Enjoy a meal at one of Summit’s many outdoor cafes, listen to some great live music, and shop at the downtown businesses, some of which will be open late. Be sure to visit the Promenade on Springfield Avenue, filled with tables and chairs for outdoor dining and enjoying the music. Exciting...

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Five Myths about Retirement That Can Lead You Astray

Whether you are decades away from retirement or it’s right around the corner, it’s important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to planning for your post-work life. Here are five common – and often costly – myths that often mislead people about life in retirement. Keeping them in mind can help you avoid missteps and achieve your goals for a happy and satisfying retirement.   Myth #1 – Retirement life will be less expensive Retirement often frees up more time to pursue other interests and hobbies. This may include more travel, social activities and other pursuits that require a...

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The Dr. is in!

On July 24th we acknowledge self care day! Dr. Lukin, can you give 5 tips for self-care this month? Your name(s):  Dr. Konstantin Lukin, Ph.D. Company name: Lukin Center for Psychotherapy Your position: Founder, Clinical Director Website: www.lukincenter.com Phone number: (201) 409-3093 Business address:  128 S. Euclid Ave. Westfield, NJ 07090 1) Spend time in a part/forest for a couple of hours which helps to quiet the mind so that you are able to ask yourself one question – am I living my life according to my values? 2) Spend time recharging your energy – for some it might be physical activities,...

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