Meet local pet Chip, a Pineapple Conure who gives new meaning to shaking a tail feather with his love of dancing and the artist Lizzo

Family member names Jessie Borenstein Type of Breed Pineapple Conure PET’S NAME Chip MALE OR FEMALE Don’t know PET’s AGE 5 Where/Why did you get your pet? I got Chip at Patterson Bird store. I always wanted a pet but never thought I could have one because I’m allergic to almost everything else. When I found out about conures I was ecstatic because I wasn’t allergic and they live for 30 years so I’d have a friend for life! Anything special or unusual about your pet? He loves to dance and his favorite artist is Lizzo. Any funny stories? He once got out of the cage when I was bringing him to the...

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Pet of the month

Family member names Anna, Mario, Noah, Evalina Type of Breed Havaneese PET’S NAME Moose MALE OR FEMALE Male PET’s AGE 6 years Where/why did you get your pet? My dad bought my dog home from Ohio where he was out on a business trip. We were thrilled to have Moose join our family. Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)? Moose knows most of the basic tricks- sit, roll over, shake, etc. He also knows a very cool trick called “ballerina” where he stands on his hind legs and turns around. This trick never fails to impress people. What do you like best about your pet? The thing I like...

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Specks will be warm and cuddly whenever you need it!

Family member names Gabriel Pastore, Sienna Pastore, Adrian Pastore, Michael Pastore PET’S NAME Specks TYPE OF ANIMAL/BREED Tortoise shell MALE OR FEMALE Female PET’s AGE 6 Where/why did you get your pet? I think I was in fifth grade. My family and I had just gotten done pet sitting for a cousin’s cat for a year, so me and my sister were very sad that we had to say goodbye to that cat. My parents happened to have a friend whose cat just had a litter, so they decided to adopt Specks. Anything special or unusual about your pet? She has had a short tail since the time we got back from a vacation...

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Pet of the month

Family member names Nilay (5), Pradyun (9), Pavithra (mom), Neeraj (dad) Type of Breed Labrador Retriever PET’S NAME Nethra MALE OR FEMALE Female PET’s AGE 2,5 Where/why did you get your pets? We were looking for a rescue for a year, but they were in short supply in 2020. The kids at home are quick to befriend dogs and a parent used to volunteer in a dog shelter.  When we saw Nethra at 8 weeks old in a pet shop, we decided that she belonged at home. Is there a story behind their names? Nethra means “beautiful eyes” in several Indian languages, which felt appropriate given the puppy’s hazel...

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Pet of the month

Family member names Gabby, Adrienne, Rowena, James Type of Breed Veiled Chameleon PET’S NAME Hank MALE OR FEMALE Female PET’s AGE 2 years   Where/why did you get your pet? Hank was an adoption from a local family who unfortunately couldn’t devote time to such a sensitive animal. We communicate with the original owners – very much like an open adoption. Some members of our family are allergic to pet hair and dander so a reptile was the perfect family pet! Photography provided by Farheen Lodhi, FLphotography, Is there a story behind your pet’s name? Hank came...

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Family member names The Zheng family Type of Breed Bengal mix PET’S NAME Fisher MALE OR FEMALE Male PET’s AGE 6 years old Where/why did you get your pet? We got Fisher at the Newark Humane Society in January of 2017. We had originally planned to get a dog but could not take one home after seeing Fisher. Anything special or unusual about your pet? When we first got Fisher, we wanted to call him a different name, August. However, he refused to respond to that and we ended up calling him Fisher or “Fish” anyway. Fisher is also not friendly with dogs at all, but surprisingly gets along well with...

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