Some Myths About Thanksgiving

By Cami Mckenzie Over the years, I have seen plenty of theories and statements made revolving around Thanksgiving. Here are a few common misconceptions that I’m about to debunk for you. MYTH: Eating too much Turkey makes you sleepy You would need to eat about 5.4 pounds of turkey before actually feeling the effects of tryptophan. That’s about one entire Turkey! MYTH: Thanksgiving has been celebrated every year since the nation’s founding When Congress passed the Holiday Act in 1870, Thanksgiving was declared one of the first four official holidays (The pilgrims celebrated their version...

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Name: Claire Age: 10 Grade: 4 School: Franklin elementary school Brothers or Sisters: 3 brothers & 2 sisters Sports I play: Soccer & basketball Musical instrument I play: Saxophone & guitar When I grow up I’m going to be: An engineer that plays soccer Favorites Activities/Hobbies: I have been playing soccer since kindergarten and currently play for the Summit Soccer Club 2012 A team.  I love Robot Revolution and with my partner,  scored high enough to qualify for the state level of competition in December. She also enjoys basketball, skateboarding, robotics, playing video games with...

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Name: John D. Treiling Age: 7 1/2 Grade/school: Milton Avenue               School Family Member Names: Eric, Leigh, John and Claire Pet’s Name/type: None yet! Something unique about me: I have a positive attitude and I am very focused. When I grow up, I want to be: a Scientist or Engineer Favorites Activities/Hobbies: Miniature Golf, Nintendo...

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